Print out things that the printer does not normally allow without rewriting an existing application
Print out things that the printer does not normally allow without rewriting an existing application
The addresses for printers with old emulation (IBM Proprinter, Epson, Prescribe) are upgraded to new laser printers which support PCL language without performing any changes in the original application
From printers which support magnetic toner on smooth paper with perforation only (including the magnetic stripe, company logo, bank logo and the design of the check).
With printers which do not support etched Hebrew from systems such as DOS, Unix, VMS, Mainframe and alike
And saving them in a software or printer (according to the printer’s capabilities), including design, adding graphic elements, changes in field locations etc.
SmartPrinter is an innovative software in the field of printing which converts data and information which comes from various systems for laser printers, and designs the document according to your requirements
The software receives the printing file from the original application, by simulating a printer in one of three ways: LPD-LPR protocol, by using the “TCP/IP Print Server” service which is built-in in the server on which the SmarPrinter software is operating; SmartPrinter Chart RAW protocol (channel 9100 or other), by activating an internal RAW component of the SmartPrinter software which listens over the requested channels, and sharing a printer from the server on which a SmartPrinter program is installed with a remote station (usually by using DOS and Windows applications). The software performs manipulations to the printing files according to pre-defined set of “rules” (for example, exchanging a certain Epson command with a parallel PCL command, adding a logo, changing the paper tray etc…), and creates an alternative print file which contains all the new changes and definitions. The software sends the alternate printing file to the physical destination printer to be printed. The print can also be routed to a fax server for the purpose of sending a fax automatically, or to the archive in a PFF/ TIFF format.
Printing on a secure blank paper
Printing checks on a secure blank paper (in compliance with the Bank of Israel Standard) – This manner of printing includes perforation of the original as well as the copy.
Preventing counterfeiting and theft
By using this module, you can avoid printing checks in advance which may become exposed, be forgotten in the printer or that you may need to place in a safe, thus preventing any risk of theft or counterfeiting of checks.
Automatic printing of checks associated with the correct bank account
Automatic printing of checks from the correct bank account selected in the system
No more changing the paper in the printers, saving you a great deal of time.
Automatic update of the check number in the ERP system
No need to type in the number of the check sent for printing and matching it to the registration in the software.
The ERP system will deal with this automatically all on its own.
Save precious time and money!
By using the check printing module directly from the ERP system, you will save both time and money compared to using regular checks.
For printers who do not support etched Hebrew from systems such as DOS, Unix, VMS, Mainframe etc.
The company provides solutions in the field of printing and scanning, and provides products designed for a wide range of customers.
We will be happy to help with any issue you may need, leave details and we will contact you soon